
Minggu, 24 Juni 2012


    E-commerce atau Perdagangan Elektronik adalah transakasi pasar jarak jauh melalui sistem elektronik seperti, internet, televisi atau jaringan komputer lainnya yang meliputi pembelian, penjualan, ataupun pemasaran, baik barang maupun jasa, dimana pembeli dan penjualnya tidak saling bertemu langsung.

      Perkembangan pasar global yang begitu pesat dan permintaan yang meningkat baik di dalam negeri maupun luar negeri lah yang mendukung perdagangan elektronik atau e-commerce ini berkembang dari tahun ke tahun. Ketika penjualan, pembelian, dan pemasaran secara langsung tidak lagi memungkinkan untuk dilakukan, maka metode inilah yang tepat untuk memungkinkan kita tetap bertransaksi tanpa harus bertatap muka.

      Dewasa ini, internet lah yang biasa digunakan untuk melakukan transaksi pasar secara online, disamping media ini murah dan cepat, media ini juga salah satu media yang memiliki jangkauan komunikasi yang hampir tidak terbatas. Seiring dengan booming internet pada akhir 90-an, bermunculanlah berbagai online shop yang menawarkan produk melalui website yang dirancang untuk dapat melakukan transaksi secara online, dan lahirlah istilah E-commerce.

Adapun beberapa manfaat dari e-commerce yaitu :
1. Pelayanan pelanggan lebih baik.
2. Hubungan pemasok dan masyarakat keuangan yang lebih baik.
3. Pengembalian investasi pemegang saham dan pemilik meningkat.
Kendala :
1. Biaya lebih tinggi.
2. Masalah keamanan.
3. Perangkat lunak yang belum mapan atau tidak tersedia.

Teknologi Perdagangan Melalui Jaringan Elektronik :
      1.      Sambungan Langsung (direct connectivity), bekerja sama dengan penyedia jasa telekomunikasi.
      2.      Jaringan Bernilai Tambah ( value-added network), jaringan ini disediakan oleh penjual yang bukan hanya menyediakan sirkuit tetapi juga menyediakan banyak jasa yang diperlukan.
3.   Internet, memungkinkan suatu jaringan komunikasi global yang tidak hanya menghubungkan para mitra  dagang tetapi juga mencakup para pelanggan.

Perdagangan melalui Jaringan Elektronik ada 2 jenis :
1.      Business-to-Customer (B2C)
            Perdagangan melalui jaringan elektronik yang berkenaan dengan transaksi  
            antara sebuah perusahaan dengan pemakai akhir dari produk.
      2.   Business-to-Business (B2B)
       Perdagangan melalui jaringan elektronik yang berkenaan dengan transaksi antara perusahaan-perusahaan yang tidak melibatkan pemakai akhir.

      Berkembangnya perdagangan eletronik dewasa ini memang sangat membantu dalam pengembangan usaha yang kita geluti, selain cepat dan pengadaan medianya yang terbilang murah, metode ini juga memudahkan kita bertransaksi tanpa harus bertemu langsung. Namun setiap kelebihan yang ditawarkan pasti ada kekurangannya, jadi bila anda ingin menggunakan metode ini untuk mengembangkan usaha anda, sebaiknya anda cari tahu lebih dalam bagaimana menjalankan metode ini dengan baik, dengan begitu anda akan mendapat hasil yang lebih baik pula.

Waktu mengakses :
Sabtu, 23 Juni 2012
Pukul 19.12 WIB

Sumber :

Jumat, 08 Juni 2012

Genikan Village

Genikan Village With All Over Beauty
Genikan village is located in District of Ngablak, Magelang, Middle of Java, Indonesia. This village is so far from air-pollution, because this village is far enough from main street and this village also not far with slope of Merbabu Mountain that has 70° slant above the sea level.
Genikan village is village where the people have the understand each other and have the high solidarity. But, if we looked from the education side, in this village is far from education standard, because of there so minim education institution and that’s can looked from there’s only elementary school and middle school. And many of Genikan’s people are farmer and merchant, so that’s why they give the education chance until middle school only.
Rain is the biggest challenge for them to maintain their farm, because the unpredicted weather and the sudden downpour, they often can’t go to their farm to do their activities as their livelihood  everyday.
Cold, green, and no air-pollution is the characters from this village and you must be can imagine three words that I’ve written above about this village. Now, we will start from the first character is cold. You must be feel this one if you right there and you will be looking for jacket to handle your cold. Because in this place is located in plateau that has 70° slant level. For the second, we talk about green. If you look around or you take a walk in this village, you will face with the power of green and something that you wouldn’t find in the town. Because here, you will find the unforgettable experience, unforgettable freshness, and unforgettable views. Right side is green, left side is green, and all over of side is green. Your eyes will always be fresh. And third about no air-pollution. Pollution is the word that often to heard, but no pollution area is something hard to find. Here, very natural area, with no many smoke that produce by vehicles, and the area are still covered with the friendship fog.
People in this village are very friendly, very polite, and also smile with visitors. They always serve the visitors well and many of them has a field to farm. There’re corn fields, onion fields, and many more. Here, we can feel a present of the second family, because we can live together under the same roof and get along with each other.
Ngablak is one of recreation object in Srumbung, Magelang. Not only nature lover that use this place for camping or to do other activity. Recreation village of Ngablak is one of recreation object that managed by Merapi Mountain National Park. Located on west side of Merapi. Where we can enjoy beautiful natural view and fresh air of mountain. Animals and plants diversity grow up naturally inside  Kaliurang-Bebeng-Turgo forest. Not only enjoy nature view, this place have camping areas that very suitable for outdoor activities too, no matter in person or group activity.
Offered Activities
In the Morning while enjoying the fresh air, you can stroll around the villagers’ farm that  lures our attention to occupy with, to feel fresh air that makes healthy from every breath you take. In the day you can see some villagers avtivity like handycaraft-making and continue by tracking to view tower head to Merapi Mountain peak. In the night you can camping, the location not far from fish pond that may fishing as many as you want.
 The meaning from this article is for understanding to multicultural and multiliving in this village, so we can feel is how important in this life to respect each other, for keeping harmony in this short life.